Burns, and Count Fudgula to smuggle the sweet white stuff back into the town.īest Visual Gag: Disco Stu snorts sugar through a dollar bill, throws himself a dance party.īest Line: “So, say a bittersweet farewell to such old friends as Mud Pies, Bite ‘Ems, Eclairios, Chew ‘Ems, Kellogg’s All-Fudge, Big Red Snack Foam, Milk Chuds, Eat ‘Ems - and all sugar pills will be changed back to highly concentrated opiates.”Ī new kid, Donny, steals Bart’s seat at school, and becomes the king of cool, he then starts playing double-agent for Principal Skinner, foiling all Bart’s pranks. Marge sets out to be the Erin Brockovich of the Motherloving Sugar Corporation, getting all sugar banned from Springfield. Instead they’re granted the title of world’s fattest town. Homer discovers the Duff Book of World Records and tries to organize Springfield into a human pyramid. Marge, enjoying being the fun parent, gives Homer the wrong address to the molecular gastronomy restaurant, sending him instead a meth lab.īest Visual Gag: Homer chokes on something, collapses by the fridge, and his ghost gives him the Heimlich Maneuver.īest Line: “Pine needle sorbet?! My kids do not eat sorbet - they eat sherbet, and they pronounce it sherbert, and they wish it was ice cream!”

Marge takes the family out for Ethiopian food, trying to be a cool mom, and she and the kids start a food blog called The Three Mouthketeers. Homer takes Bart and Lisa to a video game convention. Fame…it plays hideous tricks on the brain.īest Visual Gag: Fox’s failed Bart Simpson T-shirts - “You bet your sweet bippy, man” and “Life begins at conception, man.”īest Line: “And that horrible act of child abuse became one of our most beloved running gags.” 147. Dad gets addicted to painkillers, the family fail to pay their taxes, and fame starts to sour.
The Simpsons get a tell-all special, where what we’ve been watching has actually been a TV show cooked up by Homer. Bonus points for reminding us of the living hell that is the film adaptation of Paint Your Wagon.īest Visual Gag: The look on Homer and Bart’s faces after they see Clint Eastwood break into song.īest Line: “Here comes Lee Marvin! Thank god, he’s always drunk and violent.” 148. One of the stronger of the Simpsons‘ clip shows (no, it’s not a contradiction in terms), this collection of musical sequences rewinds through Homer’s barbershop quartet, Bart and Milhouse’s sugar-high tribute to On the Town, a church sing-along of “In a Gadda Da Vidda” and Lyle Lanley selling Springfield a monorail via song, among others. Homer then decides to use his spare time to bond with Maggie (“the forgotten Simpson”).īest Visual Gag: The take-off on The Natural‘s super home run, complete with Randy Newman’s score, flying slo-mo balls, flashbulbs and explosions.īest Line: “Kids, today we have to talk about Krusty Brand Chew Goo Gum-Like Substance…we knew it contained spider eggs, but the Honda Virus? Whoa-oh, that really came out of left field!” 149. He becomes a local celebrity and a center-square occupant on Hollywood Squares, but fame is a fickle mistress. Homer decides to go bowling with the guys, and ends up bowling a perfect game.
Related: Okilly Dokilly: The World’s Only ‘Nedal’ Band Explains How to Live Just Like Ned Flanders 150. Regardless of where you land on The Simpsons spectrum, grab your Duff beer or Krusty Kola and dig in.

And why you should never miss the Ramones-cameo episode (“Rosebud,” for those of you playing at home). You can use this as a guide to binging, or simply something to end arguments such as whether “Bart the Daredevil” is better than “Bart the Lover” (yes, it is), which Treehouse of Horror is the best (we’re going with IV) and which one truly stands head and shoulders above the rest (read on). So after hours of arguing, several bouts of fisticuffs, many games of roshambo and much consulting of online forums, Rolling Stone has come up with the answer - the 150 best Simpsons episodes of all time. Related: Watch every episode of The Simpsons on Disney+

Which led to an even more important conversation: Of the 670-plus episodes that have aired since its beginning, which would you show to the few who remain unconverted to the show’s genius? What, essentially, are the greatest Simpsons’ episodes of them all?

So much has changed in the decades since The Simpsons debuted on Fox in 1989 (and streaming now on Disney+), but some things never grow old. Some of us have spent nearly as much time in Springfield as we have in our own actual hometowns.